Will Milk and Dairy Products Become Luxury Consumer Goods?
The Agriculture and Livestock sector has been in trouble and struggling with great difficulties for a long time. Ministry at the beginning
Unfortunately, instead of solving the problems, the authorities are taking steps to exacerbate them. Bride
Let's take a look at what is happening in the agriculture and livestock sector.
When it comes to agriculture, officials talk about the pandemic effect and say the whole world is in trouble.
Therefore, they approach the issue with the approach that the problems we experience are not just ours. What's this
How accurate? Let's say at the beginning what we will say at the end, unfortunately it is not true. Agriculture in our country
Our policies are so wrong, and these mistakes have been going on for a long time, that we cannot identify the source of the problem.
There is no need to search outside. Agriculture is a strategic sector, policies need to be very long-term
However, in our country, let alone the change of government, when the minister changes within the same party, agriculture
and our livestock policies are changing. If you pay attention, agriculture and animal husbandry are always together.
I use it, it is not possible to think of agriculture separately from animal husbandry, the two are interconnected and inseparable.
Let's first see what is happening in agriculture? Let's see what awaits us.
In response to the decreasing wheat supply due to the drought effect in 2021, the government increased wheat imports.
customs duty was zeroed and wheat was imported by the state, the expectation was that entering 2022
It was thought that this practice would end at least in the first 4-5 months of 2022, but the official date on New Year's Eve
With an article published in a duplicate issue of the newspaper, the customs duty was determined again as zero.
This was done to cover the entire year 2022. This was a development that no one expected, no one
He didn't expect this. The expectation was that customs duties would be extended for a while, but that did not happen.
In this decision, world prices and yield calculations were taken into consideration and this decision was taken. in 2021
Due to the drought, there were serious problems in the yield and imports were opened. As we enter 2022, especially October
There have been serious increases in input costs, especially fertilizer prices have increased tremendously.
%300 civarında. Fahiş zamlar gelince üreticinin bir kısmı gübre alamadığı için, gübresiz de ekimden
He didn't plant because he thought he wouldn't get any yield. Exorbitant prices not only for fertilizer but also for diesel fuel
Price hikes are also an important factor here. I guess the government saw the problems and started to use imports as a solution again.
opened its doors. However, we are speechless, the solution is not imports, the solution came with correct and rational policies.
reduce costs, provide supports more accurately and effectively, increase domestic production
and to turn the business around with minimum imports. When we talk about the livestock sector in a moment, we will see that
The solution to solve the problems experienced there is seen as import.
We have been having chronic problems in the Agriculture and Livestock sector for many years, and on top of that, the pandemic.
When world conditions are added, things become incomprehensible. Self-control in grain planting
yeterlilik oranları düştü artık ülkece oranımız %89, %100’ün altındayız, bu ne demek peki? Acil ama
If rational measures are not taken, this rate may decrease even further and we will be forced to import more every year.
we can stay. I like TMO (Soil Products Office) a little bit to the CBRT (Central Office of the Republic of Turkey).
I liken it to a bank. As a result of the difficulties experienced in the economy, the Central Bank made some interventions.
and these interventions are discussed a lot and the desired results are not obtained as a result of the interventions and
Unfortunately, things are getting worse. If you ask me, it works this way on the TMO side. TMO actually
It is a serious regulator, a market regulator, but unfortunately it cannot fully fulfill its function. All
There is an increase in agricultural commodities in the world due to the pandemic and global drought, food inflation is high
and countries are taking measures appropriate to their own realities. Many countries write this as a public loss. Türkiye
including. Countries such as China, Russia and India compensate for public harm by supporting production and giving subsidies.
They do this by trying to reduce the input costs of farmers, whereas in our country in normal times
There is no support given other than the support given, even under these extraordinary conditions, there is no additional support given.
Unfortunately there is no support. In our country, the public loss is written mostly on the IMPORT side and it is a lot to TMO.
is undertaken, correct policies cannot be implemented. When agricultural policies are problematic, TMO also
There is not much left to do, the price is the result, the main thing is process management. From sowing to planting to harvest
It is the proper management of the process up to and including if this process is managed properly, the final point is
The prices will be fair. In our country, the production process is problematic. It will produce an average of 20 tons of wheat
If someone sells his product for 6 TL today, he will earn 120,000 TL and will receive it after harvest.
But the money he will pay for fertilizer from the very beginning, that is, the amount of fertilizer he will use to produce 20 tons of wheat,
Its monetary value is approximately 40,000 TL. Yes, you can buy it on credit and pay it after harvest, but ultimately
40,000 TL is the cost only for fertilizer. On top of that, we pay fuel, labor and seed expenses.
When you add that the producer cannot earn much money, people lose their income from planting and production.
unfortunately he escapes. According to the results of the government, how can we increase production, how can we reduce input costs?
Instead of worrying about how to reduce imports, he says, let's open up imports and get rid of the problem, but in fact, it is medium and long-term.
It also causes bigger problems in the long term. Wheat is just an example of other agricultural products.
The same situation applies.
So how are things on the livestock side? Let's look at it now.
When it comes to animal husbandry, dairy cattle farming, livestock farming and small cattle come to mind. When it comes to dairy cattle farming
Raw milk, the most natural form of milk taken from villagers and business owners, comes to mind. Raw milk is the simplest
By definition, it means milk that has not undergone any processing. Milk that has not been homogenized or pasteurized
means. Companies producing milk and dairy products (milk, yoghurt, ayran, cheese…) collect raw milk from the villages.
They collect it, then pasteurize it and produce the products. The main income of the villagers engaged in animal husbandry is
One of the items is the sale of raw milk. The National Dairy Council recommended raw milk on May 5, 2022.
satış fiyatını %33 zamla 7,50 TL olarak belirledi. Kısa bir süre önce 18 Mart 2022 tarihinde ,1 mayıstan
The liter price of raw milk has increased again, it was determined as 5.70 TL.
Another new increase has arrived before it gets old. Not long ago, just 5 months ago, in November, there was an increase in raw milk prices.
At that time, the liter price was increased from 3.20 TL to 4.70 TL. Now pay attention, it's from November
bugüne kadar çiğ süte gelen zam %134 ama hala üretici sıkıntıda, hala kapanan çiftlik sayısı çok fazla
And the saddest thing is that the number of cows slaughtered is still too high. When a cow is slaughtered and no offspring can be obtained
There are also problems in livestock farming.
The increase in raw milk prices is automatically reflected on the market shelves, as of the end of April and the beginning of May.
The price of 1 liter of whole milk in markets reached 15.95 lira. The common price is 8 lira at the beginning of the year.
The price of a liter of branded semi-skimmed milk reached 12 lira. Such as white cheese, cheddar cheese, yoghurt
I don't even write about the price hikes for other products. The industrialist is also right from his own perspective, the villagers are right.
topladığı çiğ süte gelen zam sadece beş ayda %134, üzerine doğalgaza, elektriğe, maaşlara, plastik
When you consider the price hikes on packaging, they are right to rebel. Producers are in revolt, industrialists
In the rebellion, the consumer, who is the ultimate buyer, is in rebellion, so we need to sit down and think? One where everyone is unhappy
How did we come up with the result? Very simple; By insisting on the construction-based growth model, agricultural lands
By opening it up to development and not turning empty, idle agricultural lands into agricultural areas with the right incentives,
The incentives and supports given in animal husbandry are entirely given to big businessmen through chum relations.
to support small producers with the right support model, most suitable for our country's conditions.
by not giving due importance to model family businesses, not keeping them alive, and
without giving importance to the input costs used in the agriculture and livestock sector with the right policies.
It is this government and its agricultural and livestock policies that brought it to this day by not being able to keep it under control.
When it comes to animal husbandry, let's briefly look at the livestock side, how are things going there?
In the livestock sector, the fattening side has also suffered severe damage in the past four years. manufacturers
Unfortunately, no one paid attention to his warnings, the solution to every problem was seen as imports and the problems
It has grown exponentially to today. Statements that are far from reality are still being made, and people are devastated when they hear them.
There is no STOCKING in livestock farming. With a minimum daily cost of 60 TL, monthly including operating expenses
Nobody sells an animal that costs about 2000 TL so that meat prices will rise and I can earn more money.
bekletmez, bekletemez, canlı hayvan stoku yapılmaz. Ülkemizde işletmeler zaten %30-40 kapasite ile
working, there are not enough animals in the barns, cows are going to slaughter, I always said, mother
He who does not have it, has no calf.
Devletin resmî açıklamasına göre enflasyon %70 ama besleme maliyetleri geçen yıla göre %150 arttı,
elektrik ve akaryakıt fiyatları %200 arttı, gübre fiyatları %300 arttı, bu durumda hala hayvancılık
The more I watch the officials blaming the manufacturer who made this and making a funny accusation such as STOCKING, the more I feel sad.
One wonders about the state of this country. In the past, by bringing animals from abroad and opening the way for imports, local
The producer would be disciplined, there has been no import for a while, no one should say thank God the ministry or the government has become wiser,
The reason for the lack of import is that the prices abroad are not affordable, otherwise they would have to import permits a hundred times.
would be given. If we brought live calves from Brazil and Uruguay today, fattening would be around $4.20.
Today's Turkish lira equivalent is approximately 62 TL per live kilo, excluding transportation costs from the port to the farm.
If an animal were to come from Europe, it would cost at least 4 Euros, which is approximately 63-64 Turkish liras, and here it is from the port.
excluding shipping to the farm.
So what will happen? If it continues like this, milk and dairy products will now be classified as luxury consumption products.
meat will come, meat has been like this for a long time, low-income, poor and needy people will eat meat from holiday to holiday if they are lucky.
in place.
If we tried to write down what needs to be done, pages would not be enough, but what needs to be done urgently, solutions
I would also like to talk about your suggestions.
Wheat and barley prices should be announced as soon as possible, equivalent to world prices.
Soil Products Office (TMO) allocates affordable barley to livestock breeders in a controlled manner.
must continue
Milk powder and cream exports should be reopened, the sector without exports cannot grow.
Instead of imposing fines on industrialists for uncontrollable feed prices, alternative feed crops should be produced.
production should be put into operation, instead of seriously imported products such as ATK (Sunflower meal) and soy.
Alternative forage crop production should be encouraged.
In addition to the measures taken in feed production, intensive animal husbandry has been increased through public-private sector cooperation.
New feed factories should be opened in regions where
The animal population in the country should be counted again and the correct number of animals should be revealed. animal announced today
The numbers are not correct, they are all inflated numbers announced to make the number seem higher.
Incentives and supports given in the Agriculture and Livestock sector should be seriously controlled, large enterprises
Instead, small family businesses should be supported.
It is not possible for a country whose agriculture and animal husbandry are dying to go very far in industry. I hope
We understand the fact that IF WE DO NOT PRODUCE, WE WILL BE EXHAUSTED.